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The Purpose & Passion book itself features a collection of diverse perspectives and experiences from women who have created change across a range of fields and industries. They share real-life, relatable experiences whereby they had the courage to listen to the call to step into their purpose and the passion to make a difference through entrepreneurialism, education, conscious living, giving back, advocacy, innovation, family life, and more.
The intention of Dr Marie’s chapter, Affirm Your Potential, is to inspire women to grow their potential so that they can move in the direction of living a meaningful, balanced, purposeful, and passionate life. She shares her own story of feeling stuck and empty despite having achieved the socially expected perfect life. She outlines what helped her break through longstanding limiting dialogue and behaviours with the hope that others will see how they too can break through their own self-doubt that holds them back.
Dr Marie explores who we think we are from the perspective of the expected self. She provides insights about how our decisions and choices can either hinder or strengthen our resolve for change. She offers understanding on how the meaning we apply to who we are can lead to self-defeating rather than self-affirming beliefs about our potential.
She also identifies how our fear of exploring the unknown self is what keeps us stuck in the known self. She reinforces that by leaping into and through the uncomfortableness, the unknown becomes the new known, which catapults us into affirming our potential.
She ends the chapter with a reflective summary of the ideas raised throughout the chapter.
Purpose is the reason you journey.
Passion is the fire that lights the way.
Author Unknown
I was about 27 years old when I first asked myself ‘Who am I?’ I thought I knew.
I had just been promoted to Personnel Manager at the head office of a large, well known corporate company. A role I had been working towards since my early 20s. When I arrived at my new office that first morning, I felt so happy. I went about making the office my own; a few books here, a couple of garden picked flowers there, and placed my stationery exactly where I wanted. I stood, initially admiring my newly acquired workspace. But, then, something came over me – a sense of emptiness. As I stood there, staring blankly at the wall, I felt nothing, nowt, zilch, nada. In that moment, my purpose for my job felt passionless.
Research shows that if we have a sense of purpose, we may have a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. We may be less stressed, less anxious, and less depressed. In addition, if our life feels purposeful and has meaning, we may feel more passionate about the things we do. How cool is that!
However, life doesn’t always occur that way automatically. Although our sense of self, purpose, and meaning develop over time, our early life experiences shape our reality and how we feel about our lives. We are influenced by our own observations, what people think and expect of us, how others reward or discipline us, how we compare ourselves with others, and what we hear people say about us. These experiences provide the reasons that give our lives purpose and meaning, whether they are real, imagined, positive, or negative.
Through sharing my personal story in this chapter, my aim is to inspire what might be possible beyond our circumstances, hopefully to a future marked by vigour and intention. That’s not to say that anyone’s circumstances need changing. Or that people are unhappy or passionless with their lives now. No, not at all. Our lives can be full even in the most challenging situations and conditions.
I hope to offer some insights about finding purpose and passion, even a little, in areas of life that feel stagnant and stuck. We will explore ideas that generally hold us back and those that propel us forward. I will also provide some reflections at the end to ponder the main points of the chapter. Hopefully, the ideas discussed here, will inspire some to begin or continue along a purposeful and passionate journey.
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